The Pink City

Today we arrived in Jaipur, "The Pink City," where we will live until the end of October. This is the city where we will spend the longest amount of time on the whole program. Other than this portion, we don't spend more than 3 weeks at a time in any place. I'll live with a host family while I'm here, and I will be meeting them tomorrow (!!!!). Our drive from Delhi was almost 7 hours, and going from the big city into the desert provence of Rajesthan was a huge change. There are different animals here (like camels, which are HUGE in real life!) and lots of slums on the city's outskirts (this part is actually very similar to Delhi). Our hotel for the night is beautiful and it'll be hard to leave but I'm so excited to move in with the Bhatia family tomorrow!
A camel in proportion to a man (near the door)
Slums on the freeway outside of Jaipur


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The Travelers


Emma is an Environmental Studies and English-Writing double major with an Asian Studies minor. She is primarily studying water conservation and pollution in India's rivers through the New York State Independent College Consortium's program.


Emily is an Environmental-Economics combined major with a double major in French. She is studying the Francophone culture and history through St. Lawrence's CIIS program.


Mia is an Environmental-Chemistry combined major studying the coral reefs during her abroad semester through the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences