Emma, Emily and I are pleased to announce that CC304 will be together again!!!!

The three of us were all accepted into the CIIS Study Abroad floor in the new dorm for the spring of 2015!  We will be in a triple, living alongside other culture-shocked residents, taking a class and loving our own personal bathrooms.  31 days until the three of us arrive back on campus!  See you soon SLU <3
Our interview outfits for commons (April 2013)



The Travelers


Emma is an Environmental Studies and English-Writing double major with an Asian Studies minor. She is primarily studying water conservation and pollution in India's rivers through the New York State Independent College Consortium's program.


Emily is an Environmental-Economics combined major with a double major in French. She is studying the Francophone culture and history through St. Lawrence's CIIS program.


Mia is an Environmental-Chemistry combined major studying the coral reefs during her abroad semester through the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences